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Registration open for GA 2015 and ICETE C15

We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 2015 ICETE C-15 consultation–Engaged and Effective: the Impact of Theological Education. The event will begin with dinner on Friday 6 November and conclude with lunch on Wednesday 11 November. 

This event will coincide with the 2015 EEAA General Assembly and you are all warmly invited to register.

We will be staying at the beautiful Antedon Garden Hotel (www.akkaantedon.com) in Antalya, Turkey. Enjoy the views on the hotel website, but there is no need to book a room–we will take of booking as part of your registration.

There is a 10% discount for those who register and complete payment by 30 April.

Please follow this link to register www.regonline.com/icetetriennialc15

You may make a payment and update your registration at any time, including travel details and workshop selection, by returning to the registration site.

Please spread the word about this exciting event by sharing this video (http://youtu.be/j_K40PbleRU) or the poster that you will find below.

We look forward to seeing you in Antalya in November! All logistic pertaining both to the EEAA general assembly registration and the C-15 consultation, will be dealt with by ICETE through Mrs. Stefanii Ferenczi (). Feel free to contact her directly with any questions or use the comment box below.



One thought on “Registration open for GA 2015 and ICETE C15

  1. Dear Mrs.Stefanii Ferenczi,
    I am interested in participating. However, coing from Indonesia, a low income country, financial availability is small., There are 2 questions :
    1. Is there anyfunding agencies I can apply for finacial support?
    2. Is there any tour organized in Turkey during pre or post ICETE C-15 Consultation wrt Biblcal History?
    Mrs.Hesti R.Wijaya Ph.D.
    Sabda Agung Theological School
    Surabaya, Indonesia

    Posted by Hesti Wijaya | April 9, 2015, 6:20 am

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