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European Consultation on Doctoral Standards

Screenshot_5_6_13_9_50_AM-2The directors of evangelical theological institutions in Europe offering Doctoral Studies are invited to the EUROPEAN CONSULTATION ON DOCTORAL STANDARDS held in connection with the EEAA General Assembly 23-24 October 2013.

In recent decades a growing number of evangelical theological institutions in Europe have begun to offer studies at the doctoral level. EEAA is aware of these developments and has decided to provide a platform for interaction and exchange of experiences at the European level. The catalyst for this initiative is a global three-year process on standards for doctoral studies in theology based on evangelical convictions conducted by the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). The Accreditation Director of EEAA, Dr. Bernhard Ott, represented the European context in this global conversation. The results of this process are documented in the “Beirut Benchmarks”, a set of standards based on the European Dublin Descriptors, reshaped in evangelical and global perspective (http://www.icete-edu.org/beirut). Additional documents released by the ICETE Doctoral Process focus on “Professional Doctorates” and on “Best Practices for Evangelical Doctoral Studies”.

The EEAA has no intention to provide accreditation for Doctoral studies. It is our perception that research at the doctoral level needs to be conducted in the context of public scrutiny by relating to the academic world at large and not by providing in-house evangelical accreditation. Nonetheless we are convinced that we all would greatly benefit from an open-minded and critical dialogue on theological studies at the doctoral level focussing on opportunities and challenges we face in Europe. We invite you to participate in such a consultation.  

Download the invitation letter, agenda and registration details here.

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